Add email processing to your app
Forward emails to your web app or API in a variety of formats.
Zawinsky’s Law states:
“Every program attempts to expand until it can read mail. Those programs which cannot so expand are replaced by ones which can.”
We make it easy for your app to read email.
Test it now
Generating a unique email address for you to send to…
Receive emails in any of the following formats
Receive a fully parsed email in JSON format.
Send a test email to the address above to see an example of the JSON formatted email
URL encoded (x-www-form-urlencoded)
Receive information from the parsed email in a format easy to use with form submissions.
POST requests can include text and html bodies but not attachments.
Multipart (form-data)
Receive information from the parsed email in a format easy to use with form submissions that handle file uploads.
Great option for receiving email attachments.
This option can include the raw email for storage or your own parsing and processing.
Raw email (RFC 822)
Receive the raw email in the same format it was sent in.
Use this if you want to handle the email parsing yourself, but don’t want the hassle of running your own SMTP server.